Fourier series in PICO-8 #Pico1k
Fourier series' showcase made in 355 characters. Tried to fit it in 280 for it to be a tweetcart but couldn't.
even though i have no twitter
Source code:
c=camera l=line b=btnp t=0i=0w={}::_::t-=0.0174533if(b(➡️))i+=1
cls()c(0,0)?"< > to change iters:"..i,7
c(-32,-64)x=0y=0for i=0,i do px=x py=y n=i*2+1r=20*(4/(n*3.14))x+=r*cos(n*t)y+=r*sin(n*t)c(-32,-64)circ(px,py,r,5)l(px,py,x,y,7)end l(x,y,32,y, 6)add(w,y,1) if(#w>63)del(w,w[#w])
c(-64,-64)for i=1,#w do pset(i,w[i],7)end flip()goto _
and yes, you can go to negative iterations
because yes
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This is a really cool & interesting visualisation.
Nice one! 🤓👍